
Welcome to the Lead Pursuit Podcast! We are a wargaming podcast specializing in aerial combat wargames, such as Blood Red Skies. We also talk about other miniatures-based wargames, boardgames and aviation, along with our general rambling about military topics. Thanks for taking time to visit us, and please let us know how you like the podcast!

Episode 11 - Kevin's Secret Guide to Modelling

Episode 11 - Kevin's Secret Guide to Modelling

Since they didn't manage to screw it up too bad last time, Doug trusts Chris and Brett to run the podcast for another week! They bring Kevin Hammond from Miscellaneous Miniatures back to talk through several of his modelling tutorials that cover some of the basics that Blood Red Skies players need to know.

Episode 12 - Tactics? Rules?  I just paint!

Episode 12 - Tactics? Rules? I just paint!

Episode 10 - Kevin the Decal Machine

Episode 10 - Kevin the Decal Machine