
Welcome to the Lead Pursuit Podcast! We are a wargaming podcast specializing in aerial combat wargames, such as Blood Red Skies. We also talk about other miniatures-based wargames, boardgames and aviation, along with our general rambling about military topics. Thanks for taking time to visit us, and please let us know how you like the podcast!

Episode 91 - Anyone seen a podcast around here?

Episode 91 - Anyone seen a podcast around here?

Have you totally forgotten about this podcast?  Been wondering if the team has run out of stupid things to say, or terrible, offensive jokes to make?  Wait no longer, they’re back - with the entire team!  This episode will waste your time listening to them talk about a lack of hobby progress, the important things you should be buying from Warlord and just generally making fools of themselves.  Sound like fun?  Listen in!

Lead Pursuit makes more than just the worst aerial wargaming podcast on the planet!  We’ve also got tons of add-on content for Blood Red Skies on our website, under our Expansions page:


If you are looking for the latest list of BRS and Aerial wargaming events we will be at, check out our Gathering of Eagles page:


Trying to find Blood Red Skies minis and boxes in the US?  We’ve got all of the latest Warlord product in stock on our online store!  We are also a licensed source for Plane Printer aircraft models as well!


Episode 92 - Cold War Combat ACM - GROUND ATTACK!

Episode 92 - Cold War Combat ACM - GROUND ATTACK!

Episode 90 - Aces Come Back!

Episode 90 - Aces Come Back!